
Business Consulting with JICA Methodology

The JICA methodology for consulting for SMEs is also known as the Shindan System. This system focuses on the evaluation and diagnosis of small and medium-sized enterprises to identify areas for improvement and develop effective strategies for their growth and sustainability.

At innovating.NET we are specialists in professionalizing your company's efforts to make processes truly efficient and improve productivity so that you can achieve your goals.

We focus on making your company increase its profitability by aligning its goals, projects and personnel.

Administrative Diagnosis

We study your administrative system and the operation of the areas in order to analyze and propose viable alternative solutions that help eradicate your company's administrative problems.

Policies and procedures

We prepare or review your manuals by area and general.

Organization Manuals

Having these manuals minimizes area conflicts, marks responsibilities, divides work, increases individual and organizational productivity, among others.

Manuals by Area

We design or review the manuals for each of your areas of production, administration, finance, marketing, human resources.

Process reengineering

Just in time, ABC Costs, Downsizing, etc.

Consulting for SMEs

The Shindan System It is a consulting methodology developed in Japan, specifically designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their growth and sustainable development.

  • Telephone: +52 (899) 774 0340
  • email: admin@innovando.net